Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Midwife appt.

Had my monthly check up today. b/p was fine, weight went down (131@ first appt, 135 @ 2nd and now today 133), my heartrate is normal which indicates the weightloss is not thyroid related, but most likely just due to constant chasing after a very active 14 month old. Belly is measuring fine so she's not concerned. Was offered the quad screen (afp screen) which I declined as usual, no biggie. She gave me a list of area doula's to check into, I'm really hoping to have one this time.

Talked to her about the tailbone pain and she referred me to a chiropractor which I will see tomorrow and HOPEfully finally get some relief. Where I pointed out the pain, she said it seems more like my lower spine just above the tailbone rather than the tailbone itself.

My next midwife appt is Jan 15th at noon but more exciting......my ultrasound is that same day at 10 a.m. :) Rich is still trying to talk me out of finding out the sex, but he's not getting very far lol.

Guess that's about it........oh baby's heartrate was 160 which is about what it always is at home too.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

17 weeks....

So I'm late on the update as usual lol. I'm 17 weeks 3 days today. Belly is really poppin out there. Tailbone pain so bad that I dread each new day. I go to the midwife on Tuesday so HOPEfully she can offer up Some sort of relief. At this point, I'm willing to try Anything.

Not much else going on. Good a good bit of snow last night with more on the way. Took kids today for pictures and that was a nightmare.

I've got a ham going in the slowcooker which sure does smell good :)

And can you believe.......only 9 days til Christmas!!! ugh, that means only 16 days til I turn 31 lol.

Monday, December 10, 2007

16 weeks....

I know, I'm late on this update. I'm actually 16 weeks 4 days today. And am totally Blah!!! I have some sort of stomach bug that has kept me in the bathroom almost all day. Having a 3 yr old and 1 yr old home all day when mom is either sitting or kneeling at the toilet..........well let's just say the kids ARE still alive so that's a good thing lol.

The good news, I'm feeling the baby all the time now :) As of about 3 days ago I noticed that every time I sit still for a minute or 2 I can feel him/her tapping away in there. Still taps, not quite kicks but not flutters either. Feeling a bit of rolling here n there too. He/She doesn't stay in one spot either, very active little one :)

This tail bone pain just continues to get worse, and now when I move not only does it feel like someone stabbing me in the tail bone, but now the pain shoots down my butt cheek too. It's hard, It takes everything I have sometimes not to yell out in pain, especially when I pick up Ashlyn (who is now around 23 lbs). I see the midwife next Tuesday so will talk to her about it but I'm doubting there's much I can do.

On another note........I think the time has come when I will have to slowly start weaning Ashlyn down to comfort nursing only (naptime/bedtime). I really truly do not want to, but it's becoming to much and breastfeeding is becoming less and less enjoyable right now. I have the constant sore nipples from the pregnancy hormones, plus she will not lay still unless she is tired so our nursing sessions consist of her pulling her head back and stretching my nipple way further than it's meant to go, she pinches and scratches, has bit me several times this past week, etc. I'm not planning to wean her completely, I feel her and I still need that time together, but with how often she still nurses it's just becoming too much for me. I want to continue thinking of breastfeeding as the beautiful and enjoyable thing it truly is, but if I keep letting this go on for much longer I fear I will really start to hate it and then the new baby might miss out. I'm going to start offering her the sippy cup more often and see how it goes. I definitely won't force her to stop, will just offer some options and hope that she takes them at her own free will. I feel guilty and selfish, but at the same time very proud of the time that i've nursed her. So anyway, we'll see what happens with that.

Sorry this got so long, off to bed now.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Through my years I've had many friends, some have been true friends, others have proved otherwise.

Today most of my friends are not those who I know in person, but those who i have met online. Some of them have proven to be true friends, as well as others otherwise. So here is my definition of friends.

A True Friend:

-she gives you honest advice when you're in need, even if it isn't the answer you wanted to hear.
-she lifts you up when you are down, and will never put you down.
-she sits there and listens to your problems, even though she may have bigger problems of her own.
-she laughs at you for being stupid lol, and cries when you are sweet
-she knows when something is wrong, and tries to help you through it
-she instant messages you a little smiley just to let you know she's there
-she keeps your secrets secret
---ok well there's lots more to true friends, just naming off some things that one of my greatest friends does lol. You know who you are =)

A not so true friend:

-will lie to you about stupid things
-only calls or im's when she needs something or wants to complain and thinks what you are going through is far less important
-when life is good, ya never hear from her, but when life is bad its a different story.
-doesn't repect your morals or beliefs
----the list goes on here too. If your an 'untrue' friend then you know who you are too.

So anyway..............just wanted to get that out :)