Thursday, November 29, 2007

15 Weeks

So I am 15 weeks today.........hard to believe Already!!! Instead of just the little flutters here n there I am now feeling a little 'tapping' here n there. Nothing All the time yet, but enough to make me really start realizing Hey - I'm pregnant!!! lol. My belly seems to have really grown aLot this week. I finally added a new belly pic the other day, somewhere over there to the right is a link to them.

The only discomfort I'm having right now is some severe lower back and tailbone pain which has me trying to squrim right out of my body all day, and makes sleeping difficult. Everything else is going good though! My next appointment is on Dec 18th which will just be an uneventful check up. We'll schedule the u/s for mid January at about 22 weeks. I'm shooting for Jan. 15th since my midwife appt should fall on that day so it would be nice to just have both appt's the same day. I'm feeling as though this one is a girl........but we'll see. Have No clue on names at all. Gets kinda hard after naming 6 kids already lol.

I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I'm gonna have half a dozen kids!! Wow I never would have imagined this 12 years ago lol. Back then the plan was to have 1 girl and 1 boy. I wouldn't change this for the world though. Sure they drive me nuts, but I couldn't imagine my life without a single one of them.

Well that's all til next week!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Christmas Tree........feel free to leave a gift =)

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Attack of the chickens!!

The Chicken Pox that is. Ashlyn started breaking out yesterday, had several in the dipaer area, 3 on her face, 2 or 3 each on her back and belly. By evening she had a few throughout her scalp. In this pic the ones on her face were kinda small (one just under her right eye, and 1 on each of her temples):

When she woke up this morning she has several more on her face, and lots of them clustered around her right eye - poor baby =( She also has a few more on her back and belly, several on her neck, her scalp is covered, and a few appearing on her arms and legs. Here's 2 views of her this morning.

Hers seem to be spreading very slowly so I'm sure throughout today and tomorrow they will get much worse. So far she's doing good, I do have to pat her instead of wipe her though because the ones in the diaper area are so bad. Guess I'll be letting her go diaperless as much as possible today.

Added 9:17 am - called the ped cuz her eye is getting pretty swollen and there's so many right there. She's calling in an ointment to use in the eye 3 times a day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Midwife Appointment

Had my 2nd appointment today, I'm 13w5d. Baby's heartrate was in the 160's, I gained 4 lbs, blood pressure good, thyroid levels are horrible Sooo back to the endocrinologist OH JOY! ugh i hate going there. Same old same ole every time of him saying "i want to do this this and that test but can't" so instead let see how many vials of blood we can drain from you every other week.

Well I don't get to have my u/s on my bday =( Midwife says she likes to wait til 22 weeks now rather than 20 cuz they can get a better look at things then, so looks like I'll have my u/s mid january now. Oh well, I tried.

But all is well so I'm good with that =) I go back Dec. 18th.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

13 weeks!

Wow 13 weeks already!!! Only 3 more days and I'll be in the 2nd trimester. This is going by so super fast! I hope to start feeling those flutters soon! The last few kids I felt them around 14-15 weeks, so should be anytime now :)

I go back to the midwife on Tuesday and she'll check for the heartbeat. I listen to it hear at home with the doppler once-twice per week.

I'll be turning 31 on Dec. 31 at which point I will be 19w4d pregnant. What better birthday present could I ask for buy my ultrasound!! It was be so neat to see the baby for the first time on my bday :) It falls on a Monday so I'm going to try to schedule it for that day. Will ask the midwife about it next week.

Well that's all for now, Zachary's chicken pox are all scabbed over and starting to clear up, so now the wait starts for Ashlyn to get them.

I'll update after my appointment on Monday.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

12 weeks today - And Chicken Pox for Zachary lol

I turned 12 weeks pregnant today :) Only days to go until I'm in the 2nd trimester YAY!!! Not much to report on me. Pretty much same as last week.

Zack broke out into chicken pox shortly after he woke up this morning. I am very glad he has them and will have them done and over with while he is young, but I still feel bad for him. I'm sure Ashlyn will be next in the next couple of weeks.

Here he is before his bath today:

After bath:

Don't mind the chocolate by his nose lol:

Saturday, November 3, 2007

11 weeks

Ahhhhhhh what's that sound!?!?! lol it's my baby's heartbeat :) :)

So I'm behind on updating as usual lol. That's no surprise to those who know me.

But anyway, nothing new and exciting to report really. Still tired all the time but not nauseas as often so that's a plus. My next midwife appt is on the 19th and she'll listen for the heartbeat. Lucky me gets to hear it anytime though :) Do you hear it? Isn't that a great sound? (if you dont hear it you either don't have your volume on or i did something wrong lol, i can hear it on here though).

Anyway, thats i for now.