Saturday, November 24, 2007

Attack of the chickens!!

The Chicken Pox that is. Ashlyn started breaking out yesterday, had several in the dipaer area, 3 on her face, 2 or 3 each on her back and belly. By evening she had a few throughout her scalp. In this pic the ones on her face were kinda small (one just under her right eye, and 1 on each of her temples):

When she woke up this morning she has several more on her face, and lots of them clustered around her right eye - poor baby =( She also has a few more on her back and belly, several on her neck, her scalp is covered, and a few appearing on her arms and legs. Here's 2 views of her this morning.

Hers seem to be spreading very slowly so I'm sure throughout today and tomorrow they will get much worse. So far she's doing good, I do have to pat her instead of wipe her though because the ones in the diaper area are so bad. Guess I'll be letting her go diaperless as much as possible today.

Added 9:17 am - called the ped cuz her eye is getting pretty swollen and there's so many right there. She's calling in an ointment to use in the eye 3 times a day.


Anxious said...

Awwww...poor baby. Now that first picture just makes me sad! I hope they pass quickly ;)

Tiffany said...

Awww...Poor little Ashlyn. Hope she gets over it quickly!

Laura McIntyre said...

Poor Baby, hope she is all better soon

Mandy Jo said...

Hope she is better quickly.

Teresa said...

Sorry, we've been out of town and VERY behind on the computer! Poor Ashlyn! I hope she feels better soon. At least you know she'll have good immunity to chicken pox! With the vaccination, it doesn't always make them immune. Hopefully this will for her. I hope she's feeling better.