Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ahhh yes, Now I remember.......

what it feels like to be pregnant!! Ha ha, i was pregnant this time last year soon we forget huh? Morning sickness has decided to pay me a visit. She's like that nagging mother in law that never leaves!! Just nags more and more each day. Yep, that's my new look on morning sickness. Went out and bought me a big ole box of Saltine's today. Ooooh yummie!!! (insert sarcasm here). I am totally worn out, and still have to get my house clean, bathe kids, bake a birthday cake, and I'm forgetting something else...........all before 2 p.m. tomorrow when we're having our son's birthday party. Wow.......there will be 6 birthdays in my house before this little one comes along. 2 in sept (son and hubby), 1 in oct., me in dec. 1 in jan. and 1 in march. Zachary is the only one who wont turn a year old before this one is born, his bday is in June.

ok my rambling is done....................for now.


Laura McIntyre said...

He he it really is funny how quickly we forget the pain and annoyances or pregnancy and how not fun it really is.How is the breastfeeding going so far? Keep meaning to send you an email about it